Senin, 25 Maret 2013

Bump Styled: Uptown/Downtown

White Coat: c/o Sheinside, Tunic top: ON, Denim: Gap, Boots: (similar), Tote: ASOS (similar), Leather Jacket: c/o Windsor Store, Necklace: c/o Chicpeek, F21

I had a glorious forced break from work these past 4 days. 
My computer died on me and despite deadlines and big goals for the weekend, God decided I needed to rest and be still. I can't believe the wonders it did for me. I tackled logo design with pen and paper, my house got cleaned,  some DIY projects were completed, I started this book (fascinating so far), and the kids and I built lots of forts and block towers. Gabe and I also watched an unhealthy amount of NCAA basketball and our new addiction "Once Upon a Time" on netflix. 

I think I will hide my computer more often;) These small things made me so happy. Its not easy to unplug when your job depends on your computer, but I realize how necessary it is for my own well being.

Hope you all had a good weekend despite the fact that spring seems to be on strike nationwide!

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